Why is Western Media So Afraid of the Term 'Capitalist'?
Labelling every socialist country 'undemocratic' based on Red Scare propaganda is sad and pathetic. Oh, and there was no Tiananmen Square 'Massacre'.
I have read countless articles from western capitalist propaganda rags (I.E. all western mainstream media) and every single one seems to steer clear of the word ‘capitalist’ when comparing capitalist and socialist countries. No, I’m not talking about Nordic social democracy, I mean actual socialist countries. Literally, Actually Existing Socialist (AES) countries. Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, and China. This one from Reuters just popped into my news feed:
Theatre in democratic Taiwan stages Hong Kong play about Tiananmen square
Taiwan, the bastion of democracy, fighting back against the evil, undemocratic mainland China. They actually believe this shit. Or, at least, they shill it for more clicks and ad money. At the time of writing, tomorrow is the anniversary of TinyMan Square. Leftists (or more specifically, tankies) will have to roll their eyes and cringe at all of the western circle-jerking over the ‘pro-democracy protest’.
If you’re here reading this, I would hope you know that the Western narrative about TinyMan Square (I’m too lazy to try to spell it, okay?) is completely fabricated. I’m not sure how many libs read my articles, but I may have some hate-readers I guess. Anyways, let’s do a quick breakdown. Here’s a great article debunking the nonsense:
Tiananmen: The Massacre that Wasn’t
The facts:
The death toll was only a few hundred, not the thousands that the West currently claims. Most of the deaths were of PLA soldiers, burned alive and hung from the side of overturned military vehicles. Here’s a Twitter thread with some horrific images and video of the ‘protestors’ being violent towards the PLA.
Tank Man is a video, not a picture. Tank Man was a hero, but not for the reasons the West claims. He was trying to stop the tanks from leaving the Square, because he was tired of the ‘students’ occupying it for weeks on end. He obviously walks away unscathed.
Western journalists who were there in person and the US State Department admitted there was no massacre.
The CIA was heavily involved in this attempted color revolution.
The ‘protest’ leader desperately wanted bloodshed.
Okay? Got it? If you disagree with any of this: fuck off, this article isn’t for you. If you’re a lib open to having your mind changed, read on I guess.
It’s quite ironic that Reuters is spreading Red Scare propaganda about TinyMan Square, considering the fact that their own journalist was there in person and was one of the ones that claimed there was no massacre and he and the student protesters were peacefully sent home. But we’re in major revisionist times now.
Western media like Reuters loves to paint the TinyMan Square ‘massacre’ as a democracy movement. The West believes, or at least claims, that capitalism = democracy and socialism/communism = not democracy. It’s just very strange that they use Taiwan in this article as the shining example of democracy. Especially considering the fact that Taiwan didn’t have an actual election for over 40 years after the Kuomintang ran away to take over the island after being demolished by the Communist Party of China in the Chinese Civil War.
Even though elections resumed in 1990, they still aren’t democratic, not by the actual meaning of the word. Taiwan is one of many US puppet states. They cannot elect a leader that the US disproves of. You know what the US would do if they did.
Here’s my favorite analogy about Taiwan, and how pathetic and sad they are. Imagine if the Confederates fled to Hawaii after losing the US Civil War, kicking out or forcibly assimilating the natives. Also imagine Hawaii was only 80 miles away from the mainland US instead of 2000. Imagine that these Confederates claimed that they were the true rulers of the entire US even though they were humiliated in the War. Imagine they allowed Russia, or even China, to become their puppet master and install military bases on the island and put military vessels in the ‘Hawaii Strait’. Finally, imagine they declared an Air Defense Identification Zone that covered part of the mainland US and whined every time the US flew aircraft over that part of the mainland. This is the modern history of Taiwan.
These are the pathetic losers that the US props up to annoy China. An undemocratic, sad little capitalist shithole of an island. Meanwhile, the PRC is actually democratic. They hold elections every 5 years. The Communist Party of China has almost 100 million members, who vote on leadership. One Party states are not inherently undemocratic, as the West claims. They can be much more efficient at actually getting shit done while still fulfilling the wants and needs of the people, as the concept of democracy implies.
For instance, when the CPC wants to build high speed rail, they just do it. It isn’t a profitable endeavour (warning, sad capitalist propaganda link) but it benefits the population so they keep expanding it. This has been proposed many times in countries like the US, but the controlled opposition that is the 2-party system will never see through to it. One side will always disagree. The other side usually doesn’t actually want something that would be a money sink but still benefit the citizens, so they pretend to want it while knowing it will be shot down.
Or, one of the billionaires that actually runs the country will lie to destroy planned public infrastructure in favor of a useless tunnel that only works with his child-seeking missiles—I mean Teslas. He made a subway system that’s infinitely worse and doesn’t help with traffic congestion at all.
The same thing applies to Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and yes, even North Korea. They are democratic. They have stringent worker protections and free, or at least affordable, housing and healthcare. Red Scare propaganda has instilled in the minds of every Western liberal that these countries are authoritarian, or autocratic, or totalitarian, or whatever made up term they want to use to demonize non-capitalist countries. It couldn’t be further from the truth, though.
Alright, enough delay, let’s tear into this Reuters article.
A Taiwan theatre is showcasing a Hong Kong play about Tiananmen Square to mark the 34th anniversary of the crackdown in Beijing, saying almost as much about shrinking freedoms in the former British colony as it does about the 1989 bloodshed.
“Bloodshed”? Once again, Reuters, that’s not what your man on the scene said about it. This article is claiming that TinyMan vigils are being shut down in Hong Kong. But is it even true?
Taiwan's Shinehouse theatre group, with the support of rights group Amnesty International, is putting on six performances of "35th of May" in Taipei from June 2-4. The play is about parents grieving for their son killed in Tiananmen Square.
“35th of May”? Get it? Because you will be instantly vaporized by the ‘evil CCP’ if you even mention June 4th, 1989. Uh oh—
Oh, I’m back. Had to pee. Anyways, I wonder if this play is based on a true story? If so, how many PLA soldiers did their son burn alive?
Restrictions on dissent in Hong Kong have all but snuffed out what were once the largest vigils marking the crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, leaving cities like London, New York, Berlin and Taipei to keep the memory alive.
“Restrictions on dissent”, like every country in the world has? Look what happens in the US when masses of people take to the streets. The militarized shithead cops start viciously brutalizing any ‘dissenters’. If Hong Kong wants to stop westernized weirdos from blatantly lying about what actually happened in TinyMan Square, good for them.
"It's not only talking about June 4 in 1989, it's talking about all kinds of authoritarian and totalitarian situations," Shinehouse’s director, Chung Po-yuan, told Reuters, explaining the importance of bringing the play to Taiwan.
Someone needs to ask this nerd to define ‘authoritarian’ and ‘totalitarian’, and explain the difference.
The last time the play was shown in Hong Kong was in 2020 before the enactment of a national security law that Beijing imposed on the city later that year. It was shown online because of COVID-19 restrictions.
The theatre group that staged it, Stage 64, disbanded in 2021, citing pressure under the national security law.
The national security law that is meant to prevent terrorism and subversion? Like, the same laws that basically every country on Earth has? As always, it’s only bad when China does it. Now, why would a simple theatre group be pressured under this new law? Were they actually pressured, or did they lie to bring more attention to their play?
The play has not been officially banned in Hong Kong but few doubt that authorities in a city where the Tiananmen crackdown has become taboo would move to block it.
Ah, of course. They think it might be banned someday so they proactively stopped performing there. You can’t make this shit up. Actors being overly dramatic? Haha.
"May 35th", by playwright Candace Chong, is about a husband and wife dealing with the loss of their son who was killed when troops opened fire on democracy protesters in and around Tiananmen Square 34 years ago.
So, this article makes no mention of if it’s based on a ‘true’ story or not, but I found a different one with more detail:
But Chong’s play is not an exercise in historical reenactment: it is not meant as a documentary, and does not seek to transport its audience back in time. Set firmly in 2019, the story instead asks its audience to witness the final days of a life defined by tragic consequence.
So… it’s made up. Back to Reuters:
Even in democratic Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory, actors have been nervous about taking part in the play, Chung said. Some worried about their careers or the fate of families and friends in China.
Beijing claims as its territory? What does that mean? The ROC claims that all of mainland China is its territory. Most countries in the world follow the One China policy, meaning the US believes that Taiwan is China’s territory. Interesting spin, Reuters. And of course, there’s that ‘democratic’ dig again. Keep telling yourselves that.
The article finishes with this nonsense:
Chung, like everyone in Taiwan mindful of Beijing's vow to take the island back, by force if necessary, said the play had a simple message: "Freedom and democracy should not be taken for granted."
Well that’s just a blatant lie, now isn’t it, Reuters? Here’s China’s actual “vow”, from your own fucking article:
"We insist on striving for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and best efforts, but we will never promise to give up the use of force and reserve the option to take all necessary measures."
That option is aimed at "interference" by external forces and a "very small number" of Taiwan independence supporters rather than the vast majority of the Taiwanese people, Xi said.
They have never once said they want to take the island back or are planning to. Western media pretends China is constantly on the verge of invading Taiwan, but it’s a lie. It’s projection. China will intervene if, for instance, the US decides to try to take over Taiwan (which is infinitely more likely, by the way).
Now for some classic ‘whataboutism’ (not really). If we want to talk about actual massacres, let’s talk about the 1985 Philadelphia MOVE bombing. Only 4 years before all of the nothing that happened in TinyMan Square, the US DROPPED BOMBS on their own soil to brutally crush what they referred to as a ‘terrorist movement’. But MOVE was essentially an anarchist commune. They’ve been compared to the Black Panthers, and they focused on animal rights.
MOVE never tried to overthrow the government. They didn’t burn any cops or military men alive. They mostly minded their own business, non-violently protesting against zoos, puppy mills, and circuses. Their neighbours complained about garbage on the property and use of a bullhorn. That’s it. 7 years before the bombing, the cops came to try to clear them out. One cop died after trying to enter their property, but he was likely killed by friendly fire. 9 MOVE members were arrested, one for supposedly firing the shot and the other 8 for ‘collective responsibility’.
I’m pretty sure collective punishment is a war crime. Oh, and so is dropping bombs on a house with children inside. The next time the cops came back, 7 years later, they did just that. They slaughtered 6 adults and 5 children. The fire that resulted from the bombs destroyed 61 other houses, leaving 250 people homeless. Those were the neighbours that complained about noise and garbage, by the way. This is definitely what they wanted, right?
This is far from the only incident like this in the US, it’s just the most recent/egregious. Other good examples are the Kent State Massacre in 1970 and the Tulsa Race Massacre way back in 1921.Notice how there aren’t any plays or memorials for any of these massacres?
Here’s the interesting thing about ‘censorship’. China simply uses a different method than the US. In China, certain subjects that may lead to unrest are outright banned, for good reason I would say. The internet is censored through the Great Firewall, although VPN use is common to get around that and goes unpunished.
But in the US, they censor things in a much more subtle, or secretive way. They do this through the use of propaganda. Red Scare propaganda and McCarthyism were both extremely successful at turning the general population against any kind of revolutionary thought or activity. The term ‘communism’ is heavily demonized in the US, and ‘socialism’ as well, although to a slightly lesser extent these days.
Black radicals are whitewashed. MLK was the ‘good one’, Malcolm X was the ‘bad one’. Democrats (and even Republicans) will quote MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, while conveniently ignored when he called the ‘white moderate’ a bigger threat than the KKK. This leads into the other US method of censorship, assassinations. MLK was assassinated by the FBI for being a socialist, and beginning to advocate against capitalism.
Obviously, Fred Hampton was also assassinated for advocating for socialism. But, here’s a lesser known fact; the founding members of BLM (no, not the fake ones who bought that mansion) all died in mysterious or suspicious ways. If the US cannot contain revolutionary thought through propaganda, they simply assassinate the main perpetrators of it. They typically try to get to them before they hit the mainstream to avoid creating more martyrs.
This propaganda is extremely effective. It’s even brainwashed most westerners into thinking it doesn’t exist, and that only AES states like Cuba, China, and north Korea have any censorship. This is why western propaganda rags like Reuters can get away with calling Taiwan democratic and inferring that China isn’t.
Now subscribe, or I’ll lie about you committing a ‘massacre’: